
Air Dragon Portable Air Compressor Review: Does it Really Work?

By John

Ever find yourself in need of an automatic handheld air compressor? Chances are you probably have, even if only from time to time.

If you are a fan of “As Seen On TV” advertisements than you might already be aware of the Air Dragon, an impressive product (with a frankly awesome name) that makes pretty big promises.

Of course if you are aware of the world of As Seen on TV products you might be at least a little bit skeptical.

After all, while some of these products really work, others just simply don’t.

Today we will take an in depth look at the Air Dragon to see if it is worth your time and money.

This review won’t take much of your time so allow me to show you what this product can really do.


Who This is For

Well for starters, let’s just establish what this product is for just in case there are any reads who aren’t quite sure.

The Air Dragon is essentially designed to be an extremely compact tool that can be used to fill up the tires of your car, truck, or SUV.

The point of the Air Dragon is to get you out of trouble in a pinch situation. If you have ever been plowing down the highway and then all of a sudden noticed that one of your tires was lower than it should be than you know how important a product of this nature can be.

The small compact size of this tool is optimized to ensure that you can keep it in handy in the back of your car without taking up too much room.

So, who is this product for? Well really, it is going to work very well for anyone that owns or often finds themselves driving a ar.

If you have tires and you want to do everything in your power to make sure that they don’t end up stranding you one day, then this is the perfect piece of equipment for you. I’s the sort of tool that you want to have, but you never want to have to use.

How it Works

This product is designed to work in three simple easy steps: first plug cord into your car’s 12 volt outlet; second check your car’s psi and set compressor to the appropriate pressure and third, pull the trigger to fill your tires.

It’s pretty straightforward right? Well that’s pretty much the idea. The Air Dragon is designed to help anyone perform very basic maintenance on their car.

It even features a powerful LED light on the unit that is optimized to help you to fill your car tires up even during the dark hours of night.

All of this sounds pretty great doesn’t it? Well it is if it works. The problem is that a lot of people who own and use the Air Dragon claim that it really doesn’t.

The problems commonly associated with this unit are several fold. One issue seems to be calibration. Some users report that it simply does not have the versatility to be used on a wide variety of tires like the advertisement says.

Then there is the issue of the battery. Many users report that it is prone to overheating and malfunctioning. The problem with this s of course self explanatory. Without a functioning battery, the product is virtually worthless.

Then there is a third group of users that simply say it isn’t even capable of filling up a basketball.

Now, do these complaints definitively prove that this product does not work? Of course not. What it proves is that there are some duds out there.

Now, if you really don’t want to waste money on a product that might not work, you are probably better off just sticking to the machines at the gas station.

On the other hand, this product is relatively affordable if you want to roll the dice.

The Price

I am personally of the mind that the price point of this unit is actually one of its most attractive features. While there are some performance issues attached with this product that may lead some people to think twice about purchasing it, the cost might ultimately draw them back in.

At $19.99 this unit is definitely not going to break your bank.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not saying that twenty bucks is nothing, but for a product of this nature it’s definitely not terrible.

For many users it might be worth the cost just to feel a little bit more secure in their car.

Check Exact Price Here

Before You Buy

Before you buy understand that this product seems to mostly be a dice roll. In other words, it might work or it might not.

While I am definitely not saying that this product doesn’t work at all, enough people have encountered problems to suggest that it does not perform as advertised.

That doesn’t mean that you should not buy it. It simply means that if you do decide to buy it, do so with the understanding that you might wind up a little bit disappointed.

Pros and Cons

Now that you know the ins and outs of this product, let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons to help you finalize your buying decision.


  • Compact Design
  • Packs a Punch
  • Reasonable Price


  • Mixed performance views from people using the Air Dragon


So now comes the time for your decision. Is the Air Dragon worth purchasing? Naturally that is going to be up to you, but as you surely detected throughout the course of this article we do have thoughts on this matter.

Unfortunately, this simply isn’t a product that is without it’s flaws. There seem to be some calibration problems at work in this unit that lead to it performing short of the expectations most users would have for it after having watched the advertisement.

Now that said, it’s still a very compact system that you should be able to easily store in your trunk or car in case of emergency situations.

Ultimately, you will have to decide for yourself if the product is suitable for your needs.

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The Air Dragon Portable air compressor is not a bad product but it isn’t the best. For $20, I think it is a fair price for something that can at the very least put air in a tire.

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