This product has been around for some time now, but that is a good thing for you. In this Car Cane review, I want to give you a better feel of what you will be getting so that you can decide on whether or not this is something you should invest that hard earned money in.
So I just came across the Car Cane in of course another As Seen on TV promotion and I had to get the best reviews to sum up what I thought was a waste of money, at first.
With a little research and reviews from people that can actually use this product, I have changed my thoughts on everything that I have, simply because I take my other half’s grandma to church every Sunday and this has come in pretty handy.
From grabbing on the little handle of the ceiling of the roof (I don’t know what you call that), to using this oh so very simple Car Cane has helped us tremendously.
With a simple design and a nice price, it is something you might consider after reading further into this review, so let’s get into what this product is really about.
How it Works
This little handle does nothing more than lock into the little latch that keeps your door shut and assists you when entering and exiting your vehicle.
At first it seemed like it will get lose, but it actually helps and doesn’t require any other attachments. It works with every car, so that is one thing less to worry about.
So we know the main function of this thing is to help you get in and out of the car, but there is actually more to do than just that.
It is not just a cane as it comes with a seatbelt cutter as well as a window breaker, so I have to give them kudos for that addition although it most likely not going to be used to break a window.
It is about 7″ long and can hold up to 350 pounds. Now that is just the Car Cane and not the “striker” that keeps your door shut.
Now I’m sure that the striker will hold a lot more weight than the Car Cane would, so that shouldn’t be something you need to worry about.
The Car Cane also comes with a flashlight and that is probably the best thing about this contraption.
More kudos.
It also comes with a nice little rubber grip, so it prevents you from slipping, although this seems like common sense.
The Price
To get yourself this nifty little tool, it is going to cost you $19.95 + shipping and handling, which is going to be $6.95.
Just remember that you are getting nothing more than a flashlight and a little thing to get you in and out of your car so don’t be expecting some electronic device.
You can also get it faster and also for a cheaper price if you shop on That is the cheapest place I’ve found to get the Car Cane, so you might want to get it there.
What I Didn’t Like About the Car Cane
There isn’t much to complain about here, but of course nothing is perfect.
The one thing that I didn’t like was that you either had to take it with you or leave it in the car, which is what would most likely happen.
This is also for older people and they would need it to be easily accessible or it would just be another problem.
Now when you put the Car Cane into the striker, it will actually be rubbing up against your car. So yes, this will most likely cause some scratching.
First will come little scratches and then rust, so if you can’t afford to deal with that type of stuff, this might not be your best bet.
Other than that, there is not much to complain about here. It’s nothing more than what you see. nothing fancy and nothing to go talking highly about.
Don’t forget that you also have a 30 day money back guarantee!
Final Verdict
I’m going to have to give this two thumbs up. With the added features, it adds more value, even with just the flashlight.
So you can justify your purchase by saying you bought a flashlight.
Rather than risking a loved ones injuries, get them a “flashlight”.
I recommend this product for those that have back aches and have problems getting in and out of the car. Not something to go bragging about, but whatever.
Do you have any experience with the Car Cane? Please share your thoughts below…