
Grass Shot Review – Bunch Of Complaints, But Does It Work?

By John

There is so many ‘as seen on TV’ products out on the world wide web, but are some of them actually as good as the companies are claiming them to be? Well this is my honest Grass Shot Review.

Here I will debunk all online feedback regarding this product and write down my findings in this article.

And by the looks of it, you might want to spend your money elsewhere. I will explain why below.

Grass Shot Review – Specs

grass shot reviewProduct Name: Grass Shot By Bulbhead

Hose Length: 5 inches

Weight: 2.1 pounds

Manufacturer: Grass Shot

Size: Soak & Seed Spray System

Product Overview

This product has been described as a simple way to grow your grass and it will keep on growing. While the manufacturers are claiming that it’s good for the bare areas, and tough-to-grow spots.

They are also claiming that it’s as easy as attaching the jet nozzle to a garden hose while it does its magic.

It will mix lawn seed and fertilizer, along with patented hydro-mulch onto the lawn so it can grow into an amazing, thick, green grass that doesn’t stop growing.

Grass Shot has been described as the best spray-on grass on the market, while being the fastest to sprout a lush and fully green lawn in time for summer.

This particular product covers 350 sq. Ft.

What Ultimate Benefits Does This Product Provide?

I typically like how it’s classed as the easiest spray-on grass on the market.

Since it mixes so much into the Grass Shot, there’s no hard step that needs to be taken for it to work correctly.

The 350 sq. Ft seems like a lot of area for this small product to cover as well.

Pricing & Purchase Details

You can now get the Grass Shot on Amazon.com, which is the cheapest place that I found on the web.

The pricing is roughly $7 to $15, but often changes, so it’s best to check the current price first.

If you spend over $49 with Amazon you will also get free shipping, one of the best reasons why I enjoy shopping with them 🙂

Check Exact Price Here

Who The Grass Shot Is For

This is for anyone who wants a lush, green grass lawn in time for the summer. It has been classed as the easiest one to use on the market, so I find that newbies will also be able to use it without any problems.

While advanced landscapers will know how to use this easily, too.

So I guess you can say that this is for anyone really, but not really.

If you know what I mean.

I just moved into a new house and the lawn is not the best.

Do you think Grass Shot will do it for me?

Probably not.

Pros and Cons


  • A lot of items included: The sprayer, a packet of spray grass and seed blend, a green liquid formula
  • I really like how it’s simple to use, while the manufacturers have gone the extra mile to make it simple for newbies to use correctly as well
  • It is good for high traffic spots, burn spots, dead grass patches, or tough-to-grow areas
  • The Grass Shot can be attached to any garden hose


  • Too many complaints regarding this product
  • 80% of the feedback is all bad
  • A high chance it won’t work as advertised

Do I Recommend This Product?

This is truly a hard recommendation.

There’s someone explaining the best way to get this product to work correctly.

Which is – After you have placed the seeds on the ground, water them with light water, not heaps, because that will smash the seeds up and ruin them.

Keep watering them until the grass is at least a few inches high.

Follow the instructions CORRECTLY and it will work as advertised.

However, I actually think this is a review from someone who works for the company. In all honesty, it looks like every 5 star rating that has been given to this product is all from fake distributors.

There are way too many other people complaining that this product doesn’t work. I don’t like following everyone else, but there does seem to be a massive trend of bad ratings that doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

This is product is truly that bad and not something I can recommend anyone to use.

Definitely not recommended.

Alternative Products

Your best bet would most likely be to get the grass seeds and do it yourself. I actually think it is fun and it gives you that satisfaction of doing it on your own.

Checkout this post to see how you can do one the easiest and cheapest way, according to Wikipedia.

You might also want to try this product by Simple Lawn Solutions, which is highly recommended by others looking to grow a nice lawn.


My Final Opinion of Grass Shot

I really wanted to debunk all the reviews and find out what all the negativity was about.

And I came to the conclusion that it never works as good as it does on TV.

I don’t know what secrets they are doing for it to work on the commercials, but no one else seems to have as much luck with it as they do.

A lot of people are saying that the people on TV are using a hydro seed tank that the professionals use and it’s not like I can vouch for that because I am not a professional.

I would say the commercials are using fake gimmicks so they can get away with selling bad products.

I’m a huge fan of As Seen on TV products, but this one is going onto the do not buy list.

For the many reasons I have outlined in this article, and for the simple fact that this product is just not worth your money, let alone your time, I will gladly say this product is rubbish, and NOT recommended!

Thanks for reading my Grass Shot review and hopefully you can make a better decision on your own.

What do you think?

Is Grass Shot worth it?

We’d love to hear what you think, so please do share!

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11 thoughts on “Grass Shot Review – Bunch Of Complaints, But Does It Work?”

  1. WOW I’ve come to your site just in time… I actually was thinking of purchasing this product but after reading your review.. I think I’ll save my money, but I love how you offered an alternative, great site and very informative, thank you so much.. I look forward to reading your next review.

  2. That would be a very honest way to put it. It never works as good as it does on TV. Media is synonomous with falsehoods. And that puts it lightly. This is why Network marketing is so valuable.

    Good work

    • I actually really like As Seen on TV Products as they are beyond entertaining. Some of them are actually cool too, but that’s about all they’re good for.

  3. Thanks very much for your review. I am after something to help grow grass for the bare areas of my lawn and this one did sound promising. While I was reading I was wondering heck what’s wrong with this and then you got to the point. Seems like all these on TV products don’t work so good hey? Thanks for the tip.

  4. I’ve seen this thing a few times on TV, and honestly it looked way too good to be true… like other “as seen on TV” stuff. But I agree with you. ASoTV products are often a riot. I see ’em at hardware stores all the time. Lots of cool inventions and distractions. My favorite was this special putty. I forgot what was so special about it, but it was fun! Thanks for the review John!

  5. My daughter bought me Grass Shot for Christmas because she thought I’d really like it. Well, if it worked, I might have. Although I did follow the directions, this is not my first rodeo and I do know how to put grass seed down and actually get it to grow. After two applications and three weeks, NOTHING. .The product is a complete waste and whatever my daughter spent on the product was 100% completely wasted.

  6. Read your blog. I wish I had read it before I purchased it. A complete waste of 47 dollars. The commercials show all green color coming out. I had green color coming out for maybe 3 seconds, no longer. Posted a review on another site but don’t know if it went thru. I would like the company to call me, but that’s a one in a million shot. Keep up the informational reviews.


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